Essay Writing

   In a minimum 5-page essay, you will use Gees idea of discourse communities to look at a career of interest to you. You will use Gees concept of discourse communities to: Explain the most important values, actions, language, and belief systems of your career o You must also explain …

Academic Integrity And Awareness

There are three (3) discussions available in Module 1.  Each discussion is numbered (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)( as well as named to make it easier for you to follow.  Discussions 1.1 and 1.2 are required for the module.  Discussion 1.3 is the extra credit discussion.    In addition, the  explains how your …

Rc001 Short Answer

This Assignment consists of Short-Answer responses to questions related to basic principles and ethical guidelines in early childhood research. The various types of research, the main parts of research articles, and the strategies for gathering data are among the key topics covered in this Assessmentt.

Week 5 Discussion – Handling Conflict

  Week 5 Discussion – Handling Conflict After completing this week’s Readings and Resources, respond to the following questions. Think of a time when you have witnessed (or maybe you have been involved in) a situation with conflict. As the conflict unfolded, how did you feel? How did the leader …


In order to engage students in mathematics instruction, teachers use a variety of questioning strategies. It is crucial to have a variety of questioning strategies along with solutions to potential roadblocks that can occur during instruction. Part 1: Questioning Strategies Template For this assignment, select a K-8 grade level and …


For this assignment, you will begin by completing the self- assessment developed by the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institute for Research. This tool focuses on five teacher social and emotional competencies, including self-awareness, self-management/emotion regulation, social awareness, relationship/social skills, and responsible decision making, (Yoder, 2014, p. …

Assign 2

Assignment 2: Design Processes and Delivery Strategies Due Week 6 and worth 150 points In Assignment 1, you developed the instructional objectives for your project. Building on Assignment 1, you will create strategies that support the identified objectives and content. For this assignment, you will develop instructional strategies, delivery strategies, …

Discussion 3

 Using the , examine your chosen institutions retention rates over the last 10 years. How have its graduation rates changed? Use the information on your institutions website to examine the student services available to support student success. Considering the graduation rates, discuss how these student services at your institution are …

Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5]

 Data Collection Techniques [WLO: 1][CLO: 5] As you have planned your action research so far in this course, you have come to new understandings about your area of focus and the variables you intend to influence through your planned intervention. Now we will shift to learning about data collection techniques …