Telehealth And Telemedicine

Write 700-900 words in an essay style answer to respond to the following question: Define Body Area Network (BAN). List few properties and issues of BANs and detail a scenario that illustrates how these can be useful in the context of Telehealth. -Support your writings by at least 3 references …


The textbook we will follow Palczewski C. H., DeFrancisco, V. P., and D. McGeough (2019). Gender in Communication: A critical introduction (3nd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage    Why is it important to study gender and communication and gendered communication in our contemporary times? Use the book, but also explain …

Thesis And Outline

  For this piece of the Humanities Project, you will submit your topic choice along with your thesis and outline as a single 1-2 page Word document. This outline will be a guide of how your paper will flow. For more details on writing your thesis and outline, see the …


assignment 2               (34.832 KB)                (19.413 KB)  For this assignment, you will complete the Global Intervention Plan and a Ziggurat Worksheet (ZW) for 2 areas (structure & visual/tactile supports and task demands).  Because you will not have yet completed all sections of the UCC, please use only the information that you …

Hifsa Shaukat Paper 2

ePortfolio Signature Assignment Case Study – Adapted Instructional Program and Task Analysis: Based on a case study, candidate will create a thorough and individually appropriate task analysis and adapted instructional program to meet the needs of a student on your caseload and completed in collaboration with the general education teacher. …

Due Today!!!!!!!!!

Submit a draft of about transformative learning including at least 4 slides with content and a separate slide with references.  Use Powerpoint for the Slides and make sure its a separate attachment from the Draft.

Select And Research A Group

  Your course project is to develop an Anti-Bias Action Plan. For this part of the project, you will select and research a diverse group in your community that has experienced inequality, bias, or discrimination in the past. You will then gather background information about the group, and then submit …

Field Trip

  A field trip is an excellent way to apply learning objectives within the community. These experiences allow students to see how their classroom learning applies to the world around them. While a field trip can be beneficial to student learning, it does require thoughtful consideration. For this assignment, you …

EDU 533

Assignment 2: Design Processes and Delivery Strategies Due Week 6 and worth 150 points In Assignment 1, you developed the instructional objectives for your project. Building on Assignment 1, you will create strategies that support the identified objectives and content. For this assignment, you will develop instructional strategies, delivery strategies, …

GEN 499 -3.2

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, view the videos , , and .   Reflect: Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these sources and the importance of finding one type of resource over …