UX vs UI

Answer  the following two questions in a straight forward way (question-answer). no need to add introduction just go direct to the answer. Question 1: According to the attached resources and your own experience: what is the difference between User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). And what is the link …


a. Provide an introduction of the organization, clearly stating the mission, vision and service objectives (if any). Critic if the mission, vision and service objectives (if any) are aligned with the targeted customers and the service rendered to them.b. Service organizations often face the service-objective dilemma: to provide great service …


a. Provide an introduction of the organization, clearly stating the mission, vision and service objectives (if any). Critic if the mission, vision and service objectives (if any) are aligned with the targeted customers and the service rendered to them.b. Service organizations often face the service-objective dilemma: to provide great service …

To what extent are travel apps influence the way holidaymakers book their holiday trips?

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.Support your ideas with …


We are trying to not only accomplish tasks with our workers, but we are also trying to develop and empower them. The purpose of your Employee Development Plan is not simply to find ways to develop employees by assigning them specific tasks. You should be able to link the accomplishment …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

INNOVATION MANAGEMENT Part1: Place yourself in the role of an innovation manager in a selected company and describe the specific strategic issues that the company has been facing (for example, sales drop, hard competition, ). You have to select a known company from one of the following sectors (television and …

Two DMO websites compared

Visit the websites of two different DMOs or convention bureaus that have the responsibility of marketing the city as a conference destination (in other words, you need to find two different DMOs for two different destinations). You will do a compare and contrast of the two websites. Please do not …

contextual information about unionizing

You are an HR Manager in a large corporation in the U.S.  There has been some talk of unionizing your company.  What do your managers need to know?  Create a PowerPoint presentation to educate your managers.  Be sure to include any laws and governing bodies they need to be aware …

discussion for the article

1- I need to write an practice of public relations in new data that will be like a support to article ( public relations projects and practice in the new data field)2- discuss the attached article .3-  write opinion or suggestion that in my point of view how can pubic …

Human Resources

1.    Introduction:a.    Teams are only effective if they are working towards the organizational mission and that they continue to communicate.  Sometimes organizations can develop organizational silos that limit organizational effectiveness.  During this assignment, you will have a chance to study system theory and how this theory can align work teams …