Any topic (writer’s choice)

our research paper is based on the following scenario: You have just taken over as a Shift Supervisor at Bad Teddy Bear Manufacturing and have a team of 30 under you.  Your educational and training level is exactly what you have today. Your teams rotate shifts every 3 weeks and …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 300-500 word only Please reply to the below: The Pursuit of quality One of the main challenges for small businesses facing rapid growth is maintaining the culture that helped them achieve success in the first place, and one key aspect of this is how to …


List and compare 5 countries in the following order based on 2019 statistics Top 5 countries in the world with low unemployment rate (identify and analyze why these countries scored low in the unemployment rate, what each country is doing in term of national practices that is contributing to this …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

See the requirement of the assignment and the Group report The furniture company for this project is not real and all technological risks are assumed. The risks are in the excel file. You need look at that. What you need do is the real world attack. You need listen the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

See the requirement of the assignment and the Group report The furniture company for this project is not real and all technological risks are assumed. The risks are in the excel file. You need look at that. What you need do is the real world attack. You need listen the …

Emergency Management

1. In a disaster, do we have a duty to the individual or a duty to the Greater Good for the Greater Number? Why?2. How could multiple traumas (existing political conflict/poverty/war) impact someone’s trajectory for recovery from a disaster?3. In the Israeli Field hospital in Haiti, they decided to discharge …

Emergency Management

1.    What is the stated purpose of the Red Cross/Red Crescents Code of Ethics? What are the 3 types of ethical dilemmas described In Disaster Management Ethics (1st Edition) 2. _______________________________________________________3. _______________________________________________________4. _______________________________________________________  5. What is one dilemma that is encountered when utilizing military forces provided by another country/government?6. What …

Emergency Management

I will attached the documents you need to use to answer these questions. You have to used the documents attached. 1. With today’s technology, we want information NOW. But how important is NOW? Can we wait?2. What are you observing in your community? Are people talking to one another? Are …

Management/accounting fraud

Write about whether the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has curbed accounting frauds or not. Use real-life examples of companies like Enron who committed frauds, which eventually led the US Congress to pass the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Make sure you give your opinion and recommendations for every paragraph and supporting point, use …

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies

n this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness and Assignment 2: External and Internal Environments. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database, the University’s …