Forum Discussion Board

The purpose of this forum is to explore the role of the team regarding quality and process improvement. Consider the team principles relayed in chapter 7 of the Starbird and Cavanah text. Select one or more principles from this chapter (i.e. The War Room or Curmudgeons) and write a 500700-word …

Forum Discussion Board

The purpose of this forum is to explore the role of the team regarding quality and process improvement. Consider the team principles relayed in chapter 7 of the Starbird and Cavanah text. Select one or more principles from this chapter (i.e. The War Room or Curmudgeons) and write a 500700-word …

case study

Bill Ford never doubted that he could run his familys company Ford Motor Company.  He just had to convince others that he could.  It is not every day that an owner decides to throw him- or herself into the management pool and learn to swim with different strokes.  When Ford …

case study

Bill Ford never doubted that he could run his familys company Ford Motor Company.  He just had to convince others that he could.  It is not every day that an owner decides to throw him- or herself into the management pool and learn to swim with different strokes.  When Ford …

case study

Bill Ford never doubted that he could run his familys company Ford Motor Company.  He just had to convince others that he could.  It is not every day that an owner decides to throw him- or herself into the management pool and learn to swim with different strokes.  When Ford …

Rogers: Communication audit

Review the communications audits noted in the course. Complete your own audit of the organization.  You will note these instructions lack details on page count, references, etc.  This is a capstone course. The first 2 pdf downloads are a guide towards advancing the assignment. NOTE: ROGERS Inc. is the organization …

Discussion: Internal Controls Over Assets

4-1 Discussion: Internal Controls Over AssetsDiscussion TopicTask: Reply to this topicStarts May 23, 2020 11:59 PM Companies lose millions of dollars each year through employee theft and fraud. To prevent this, internal controls are implemented. We will examine the types of controls companies use, and discuss what happens when these …

Hotel Guest Room technology

I have already finished the case study topic, and abstract. My case study topic is about guest room technology. The reason I want to pick guest room technology is that I think along with the technology development, if a hotel guest room could add some helpful technology, it will bring …


Find 25 current articles pertaining to real estate. These articles should be current and must pertain to real estate in general, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online or any other source you discover. Copy & paste the links to these articles You are to …


Find 25 current articles pertaining to real estate. These articles should be current and must pertain to real estate in general, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online or any other source you discover. Copy & paste the links to these articles You are to …