Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?

) Select either Topic A or Topic B for your persuasive speech.o Topic A: Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?Deliver a speech on question of value.o Topic B: Should Self-Driving Cars Be Legal?Deliver a speech on question of policy.2) Create an outline or speaking notes in …

International Business with Vodafone Case Study

8 Short answer questions. The first 4 are to be answered by themselves and the last 4 are answered with the knowledge of the case study provided. An example of a quality answer to a question is as follows:What is the connection between the competitive advantage of a firm and …

Project Management

There are five main points in the Planning of a Project.  In a two page paper, please list and define each point; and how each point builds the foundation for a successful project.  You are welcome to give us examples from your own experience with projects. Be sure to include …

Project Management

There are five main points in the Planning of a Project.  In a two page paper, please list and define each point; and how each point builds the foundation for a successful project.  You are welcome to give us examples from your own experience with projects. Be sure to include …

Project Management

Please choose a project you would like to complete at your company, or a company with which you are familiar.  In a two page paper, please use the seven questions listed below to explain to us how you will get all the stakeholders and participants in the project on the …

Project Management

In a two-page paper, please list three skills or characteristics that you-or others that know you-that are your strengths.  Also, please list three that you need to improve upon.  Again, you should ask those who know you best to add input to this assignment. Please use the attachment to list …

Project Management

There is a growing demand for project managers.  In a two page paper, please tell us why you want a degree in Project Manager.  Are you looking at something to manager, or just manage projects in general?  Please be as specific as possible; and clear in your reasoning.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The final paper will be to compare and contrast the 1918 Spanish flu with COVID 19 in terms of economic impact, what companies succeeded in what companies failed.  Project how you see the economic for 2020 and 2021.  What companies will end up stronger and more profitable in the next …

Negotiation Tactics and Strategies

1. Define the contrast principle, its value in the negotiation setting, and how it can contribute to a win-win outcome.2. Using the contrast principle, outline two potential negotiating tactics that you would recommend Sharon Slade use in the negotiation meeting withAlice Jones. The gambits should help reach an integrative (win-win) …