Apple Company Supply Chain Management and technology

Should be related to supply chain management This is a part of the group paper. Mine part is responsible for :1. How Apple Uses Big Data 2. Robots & Automation in the supply chain 3. or some points About Apple supply chain management technology is fine2-3 big parts should be …

Strategic Plan, Part 3: Strategic Evaluation

No more than 15% of plagiarism is allowed. MUST use Align Technology, Inc. for the company paper. Please review previous papers for reference. In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization. Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following: …

Strategic Plan, Part 2: Internal Environmental Analysis

No more than 15% of plagiarism is allowed. MUST use Align Technology, Inc. for the company paper. Please review previous papers for reference. Write a 1,050-word minimum internal environmental analysis in which you include the following: Assess the organization’s internal environment.Identify the most important strengths and weaknesses of your organization …

Human Resources

This is a rewrite: Missing 2 more resources. Original order attached. Introduction:Teams are only effective if they are working towards the organizational mission and that they continue to communicate.  Sometimes organizations can develop organizational silos that limit organizational effectiveness.  During this assignment, you will have a chance to study system …

Amazon’s case

Web services, cloud 9 computing and digital media View the unit video and review the PDF files under Module 2 Unit 3 and if necessary, search the topic online regarding the types of data needed for CRM and respond to the following questions. 1. What are Amazon’s strategy and its …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please discuss the development of: Sports channels (pertaining to the broadcasting of sports) Internet television (pertaining to the broadcasting of sports) Mobile television (pertaining to the broadcasting of sports) Radio and Internet radio (pertaining to the broadcasting of sports). What must a sport entrepreneur know if he/she wants to be …


Imagine yourself as an entrepreneur. Reflect on an industry segment in which you might compete. Discuss what you believe it would be like competing as a smaller company within a competitive field of larger, well-established companies vying for the target market segment you select. Reflect on the strategies that you …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find 25 current articles pertaining to real estate. These articles should be current and must pertain to real estate in general, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online or any other source you discover. Copy & paste the links to these articles You are to …

Entrepreneurial Process Analysis

(1) Report (20 Marks including report structure): In a maximum of 2000 word report, you must introduce the entrepreneur (and their business) providing how they (and their business) are an example of the theory/concepts you have learned in class. In the conclusion reflect on the entrepreneurs own journey and suggest …

Sport Entrepreneur

(I have attached what i already have and you can use it) This assignment will provide an outline of your sport entrepreneur paper. Provide at least seven references that you will use for your sport entrepreneur paper. Below is a sample outline. PROVIDE 1 TO 2 PARAGRAPHS FOR EACH SUBHEADING …