Any topic (writer’s choice)

“Announcing Contract Awards” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, propose three ways that you could utilize the FedBizOpps Website to search for request for proposals (RFP) to bid on, investigate potential competitors in your business field, or locate awarded contracts during the past year. Determine if there is …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment 4: Technical and Cost or Price Evaluations and Price ReasonablenessDue Week 8 and worth 130 points Imagine that you are a government employee (or military personnel). You have received a proposal from a contractor for a two-billion-dollar ($2,000,000,000) project for the purchase of fifty (52) towers to be installed …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 200-250 word only Please reply to the below Employee involvement and engagement are absolutely critical for an employee relationship with the business to be constructive, progressive and interactive. There is a strong correlative relationship between SHRM practices and employee performance from an individual, team and …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 200-250 word only Please reply to the below The management of the employment relationship is a key process to achieve the goals of an organisation. HR plays a critical role in both developing and training managers and leaders to effectively create and nurture relationships but …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 200-250 word only Please reply to the below The management of the employment relationship is a key process to achieve the goals of an organisation. HR plays a critical role in both developing and training managers and leaders to effectively create and nurture relationships but …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 200-250 word only Please reply to the below Referring to positive employment relationships, HRM must create people management strategies to maximise organisational performance, (Bailey, 2018). For example, (CIPD) engagement strategies focus on employee participation: explicit knowledge; having a voice at staff meetings, tacit knowledge; intellect …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper Reference with citation 200-250 word only Please reply to the below Good Afternoon All, A strong employer/employee relationship is vital for business success, unhappy employees leave businesses and the employee turnover increases as a result, therefore it is a loose-loose situation for both the business and the individual. …

Strategic Management

Please read Case 11(C-147) part 4, case studies Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore Driller and write a paper with a minimum of 4 pages. Please provide at least six (6) peer-reviewed resources in support of your arguments. After your learnt about the case study of Pacific Drilling: The Preferred Offshore …

2 articles summary

Header of the document.    a) Your name, Article topic, BA3103 701/730 (please use a header with three sections)In the main body of the submission 1 page for each article b) Topic: In a few sentences discuss what is the topic and how it relates to managing a company.  c) …

Critical Analysis

1. Describe the business situation, including the macro-environmental and micro-environmentalconditions facing the organization.2. Develop the problem statement: the opportunity or threat facing the organization.3. What alternative strategies and programs would you consider to deal with the opportunity or threat tothe organization? Present each alternative in sufficient detail to give the …