Any topic (writer’s choice)

Evaluation of Organizations Ecosystem The introduction of the business model as an ecosystem perspective has brought a major change in strategic management thinking. Enabled by increasingly sophisticated technology, the different sub-components in a business ecosystem can now easily be connected. This has resulted in many innovative ideas and new forms …


I will send you 1 or 2 files tomorrow to write the Project Overview: Please describe: – Objectives of the study: lowest cost to delivery kilogram of hydrogen, best supplier in terms of safety, liability and resilience… add whatever you see that is important on the file… –  Scope of …

Pay for Performance

Hello. I need an 8 page Research Paper with a title of “Pay for Performance.”  This needs to be formatted with APA format edition of APA 7 and I need this by midnight (Eastern). I have attached the following: 1) Research Paper Instructions2) Resources/References – There are five individual references …

HR Portfolio

INTRODUCTIONFor the capstone project, you will create a business plan for a hypothetical start-up company using the scenarios provided below. In the business plan, you will need to demonstrate the integration and synthesis of competencies in all domains required for your degree program. SCENARIOSelect the business plan scenario assigned to …

ntegrated delivery system organizations providing health care.

There are many integrated delivery system organizations providing health care. Identify a specific company, by name, and identify which type of IDS it is. What is the difference between this business model for a health care provider versus a PPO where patients can choose the various components of providers from …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You are required to identify an ethically questionable behaviour or decision that you have encountered (preferably in your work or school life). It should be an issue you are able to apply what you have learned in the course (Use the following ppt content uploaded). 1.      Briefly describe …


CHAPTER SIX THE VOICE OF THE MARKETRead chapter six of the text book, a copy of the text book will be provided and write a three page summary review of the information in the chapter. Key in on items that are focused on and describe what those items are.

hr portfolio

INTRODUCTIONThis portfolio task invites you to think holistically about the strengths you are developing and how these strengths might be applied, represented, and offered in service to your aspirations in the career field. You will demonstrate the competencies you have studied to comprehend and explain your personal strengths and present …

hr business plaing

INTRODUCTIONThis portfolio task invites you to think holistically about the strengths you are developing and how these strengths might be applied, represented, and offered in service to your aspirations in the career field. You will demonstrate the competencies you have studied to comprehend and explain your personal strengths and present …

Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper on general cognitive abilities and personality measures as predictors of future job performance

Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper on general cognitive abilities and personality measures as predictors of future job performance. Include the following in your paper:1.Discuss the measurement of performance.2.Discuss the measurement of predictors.3.Analyze the cross-comparative research examining the differences between using G and personality for predicting subsequent job performance.4.Propose how an employer …