Anatomy And Physiology

  ATP- Energy currency in the body    *The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Break it down.   (*Everyone must do this part). Include the Structure and Function relationship in the body Important. Interesting and current research on the topic. Examples to clarify and teach. (Important!) (Your own examples …

The Best Contraceptives?

  It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development along with improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best “contraceptives” (i.e. ways to reduce a woman’s total fertility rate; don’t know this term? Look it up …

Human Sexuality

Experience options Follow stopcensoringmotherhood on Instagram PSPlease browse the contents of this account before writing Write 2-page paper, double-spaced, about your experience. How does it relate to this class? What did you learn? How did it make you feel? Include proof (tickets, photos, paperwork, screenshot, etc.)  Due 2/13

200 Words

Select another “method” by which molecules can be taken across cell membranes and discuss it.  Give an example and describe of the method you select.  You may choose either an active or passive mechanism.  Be sure to indicate which one it is.  It may also either be a method in …


  Description Objective Write an essay that critically (and articulately) analyzes a science- or technology-related topic of broad societal relevance, impacting, for example: public health (vaccination, stem cell research); the environment (pollution, land-use, biodiversity); energy (renewables, nuclear); the future of humanity (space exploration, artificial intelligence). In discussing your topic and …

Week 2 Anxiety Disorders

  Remember this is a writing assignment and is expected to be at least a page in length as usual. 1. What is anxiety, and why is it sometimes harmful and at other times useful? Describe how anxiety is maladaptive in each of the different anxiety disorders.

Pschology Paper

  4 Double Spaced assignment.  Need in 12 hours. No Plagiarism. Turnintin report is must. I attached the qualitative research study to be critiqued in this assignment.  Given below is the link. Article:  Zhang, Y., & Jia, X. (2018). A qualitative study on the grief of people who lose their …

Due Tomorrow By 3pm EST

Instructions    Please read the following brochure ATTACHED. Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to health science (for example, high blood pressure, medical marihuana, opioid use, obesity, type 2 diabetes) and see what kind of results you receive. When …

Can You Complete As Instructed Below

Resource: the Explore the EEOC website to learn more about the organization. Click the About the EEOC link and select Newsroom. Select a press release about an employee lawsuit published within the last six months. Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from …