Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here is the PAPER #1 prompt: In The Apu Trilogy, the main character Apu has an incredible enthusiasm for curiosity. In the spirit of Apu I invite you to select something from the films or from the supporting readings that sparked your curiosity and that you would like to know …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

State the author(s) main argument/thesis. What is the main argument/thesis? Include the passage that best summarizes this thesis and include the page number in an in-text citation. For example, Hartman argues that (p. 3).2.  Tell me what remains unclear or underdeveloped in text/work. What might lead to this gap/weakness? 3.  …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

State the author(s) main argument/thesis. What is the main argument/thesis? Include the passage that best summarizes this thesis and include the page number in an in-text citation. For example, Hartman argues that (p. 3).2.  Tell me what remains unclear or underdeveloped in text/work. What might lead to this gap/weakness? 3.  …


This semester focuses on improving your drawing skills and exploring some new drawing skills. I like Picasso and his surrealist style of painting. In this semester I want to learn his style of painting. I’m graduating soon, and I’m ready to apply for a graduate student, so I will prepare …

Is Fashion art? Introduction + Conclusion

Hi, I need a 800w introduction + 800w Conclusion for my dissertation: ” Does the art institutions consecrate fashion items to make them art ? “ Please find below my detailed Plan:        My 3rd Chapter is the link with the collection I’ve designed. All my inspirations have …

art history

Leonardo’s painting Salvator Mundi was sold at auction for $450 million dollars, the highest price ever paid for a work of art. Write an essay that makes use of the articles “Florentine Artists on Film” and “Why Would Anybody Pay $450 million for a Painting?”, as well as the videos …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Learning Outcomes This course aims to critically challenge students in three primary ways: 1) describe some of the historical narratives and cultural influences associated with Rap and Hip Hop music 2) identify aesthetic qualities of certain styles (historical and contemporary) and techniques of Rap and Hip Hop practitioners 3) engage …

test question prepare

please help me to prepare the two reading test essay questions. first: on page 11, in Dvorak case…. why did the author say all this, which examples did the author give to support his point? second:page 13 (top of the page),”to page 16 top of page, and pg17 second paragraphwhat …

Writing For Art History

I have uploaded the instructions and the pictures of the file. The instruction is uploaded, please don’t use outside sources or anything just what you see and describe the picture. That’s it not more than that. I will give you the name and the picture and ill upload the instructions. …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You have learned that it was important for African Americans to attempt to retain their African musical traditions in America. In order to do so, they had to compromise, finding ways to blend their musical practices with European values regarding music, religion and society.You have also learn about the incredible …