Climate change

How To Create An Ad Mockup Using Facebook Creative HubStep 1: Using Facebook Creative Hub, create a mockup of a Facebook ad to educate people about the issue of climate change. Its up to you whether your ad spports or denies evidence of climate change and it does not have …

General Outline3

The progression of both the General and Detailed Outlines is intended to get you thinking AND RESEARCHING your topics early, thus not allowing you to procrastinate. If you follow this method, it will make the writing of the research paper an easy and rewarding experience, rather than the 72 sleep …

Film: A River Runs Through It

>Must be written in essay format. Essay Questions:1.)  What are the four components of Mise-en-Scene and how can you relate them into the film A River Runs Through It?2.)  What/where is the inciting incident?3.)  Where is the climax of the film?4.)  Whos story is it?5.)  Is there any dramatic irony …

Comparative essay

Use the powerpoint in the module to compare and contrast Frangonard’s “The Swing” and Kauffman’s “Cornelia Presenting Her Children.”  Consider the following questions in your response: How are women represented differently in each painting? How has the setting changed, and what might this change indicate? What qualities of femininity does …

open-ended question

write an essay that addresses the following open-ended question:How has art changed over the period from the Early Renaissance to the Realist movement of the 19th Century? Please include examples of four shifts that occur over this five hundred year period.  These changes might be in the area of technique, …

Critical essay

INSTRUCTIONS: Read Professor Nochlins article, then write the essay after reading the complete article. Answer the prompt in the format of a 500-1000 word, double-spaced, typed essay. PROMPT: What are some stereotypes of the Middle East that Nochlin indicates both fascinated and repelled Europeans in their construction of an Imaginary …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

he wants us to pretend to propose a funding opportunity for artist, as a practice. you only have to do the part of 1: a short proposal (approximately 350 words) 2: a simple budget including: artist fees, materials, travel, shipping, other expenses see attachment for more information

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Define the following terms under branding construct approaches1 Gold Standard2 Authority (The Authority)3 Origin4 Original5 Spirit6 Irony7 Attitude8 Exclusive Club Approach9 Rugged Individualism10 Wholesomeness11 Family12 Rebel/ Anti- Authority13 Values Pictures for each 13 items that related to definition of order #161297853branding construct approaches that you are working on.

Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays, Book Review

4 full pages, double space, standard headers, footers, margins, and font sizes (12), Times New Roman. Create a new title other than “Critical Analysis Paper” and it should reflects the paper What is the article’s thesis? What is she/he arguing for or against?What is the author’s motivation for writing the …