Case Study 3

-For your final assignment in MGMT410, you are to conduct a case study analysis, using one of the 35 cases in the textbook (Ryanair, Adnams, etc.).


For your final paper in MGMT410, you are to submit a case study analysis.  This case study analysis will be based on 1 of the 35 cases (Part 4, beginning on page 537) in your e-textbook and a minimum of 3 FULL pages of text.

-Read the case study and answer the following three questions in your paper.

1. Assess the effectiveness of your companys leadership.

2. Discuss the basis of your companys competitive advantage and the potential challenges to its strategy.

3. What growth strategies might your company pursue?

You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least two (2) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:

A Title Page,  ***On your Title Page, include the name of your selection.***
An Abstract with (3-5) Keywords 200 Words
Times New Roman
12 font
1″ margins
Left justified
A Reference page

While this is a management course, it is expected you will adhere to academic standards of writing which include spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

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