
After reading chapter 1 of the course textbook, respond to the following questions.

What can companies do now to prepare their managers for international markets?

How can entrepreneurs and small businesses with limited resources prepare?

Note the following:

Cite your sources using APA style; include a Reference page entry and parenthetical citations. See the announcement titled “Discussion instructions – refer to throughout the semester” for additional APA citing resources.
You must cite a minimum of two sources for your contribution to be considered for full credit, per the discussion rubric.
Please label your responses in your initial posting so it is clear which comments are intended for each part of the discussion.
To receive full credit for this topic, you must also comment on the postings of two classmates. Each response is to be a minimum of 1 paragraph long with 3-6 sentences per paragraph in length. (Short sentences or sentences that do not add to the topic discussion, such as, “Great post!” do not count toward the minimum.)
All work submitted for this course is subject to Saint Leo’s Honor Code. Identify sources and use quotation marks, as necessary, to identify material borrowed from sources.
To view the discussion rubric, (after clicking on the Module 2 Discussion Question 1 hyperlink), click on the Discussion Rubric hyperlink directly below these instructions, next to the green grid icon. You may also access all rubrics for the course by clicking on More Tools and using the dropdown menu to select Rubrics.
All students are expected to participate in the discussion during the week of Module 2. Textbook chapters 1 & 2 are available as PDFs in Doc Sharing (located directly below Module 8 after clicking on Content in the upper menu to the left).
Do not use attachments in the discussions.

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