Building on the readings and content of the first 4 weeks of the course,evaluate vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) as a disability issue from the viewpoint of:

1) This assignment focus on Public Health and Surgical Care
2) 13-15 references (6 from Library books, 7-9 from online) I have already included some on word file
3) Introduction paragraph (address the topic and thesis statement), No more than HALF Page)
4) No need to define simple term
5) Concrete, Clean, Grammar, Avoid redundancy, Plagiarism free
6) Ideal to include a bit content about sustainability (only a bit)
7) Assignment has to fully address require
8) I have already wrote down all key points and answers of below questions on the word file, so you only need to write the paper based on these key points
9) Any questions, let me know anytime. Thanks ^_^

Assignment Requirements:

Building on the readings and content of the first 4 weeks of the course,evaluate vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) as a disability issue from the viewpoint of:

-The millennium development goal #5, maternal health
-A public health issue
-Specialized infrastructure
-Specialized skills training and development health human resource issue
-Within the context of the convention of human rights for persons with disability
-Within a social context
-Consider how implementation of surgical services for VVF might benefit the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals

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