Bottlednose dolphins

-Introduction. Whats the problem/where does the interest come from? Introduce question and hypothesis. Provide support for hypothesis (explain why you are making these predictions or statements). Necessary background information (natural history, past research done, explain the science behind your question).
-Methods/Results. Because you are answering your organismal question using published primary sources (studies already done on/about your organism), each source that is used may need to give a brief overview of what was done and what they found. You can organize this by either- listing all the methods (how this species is studied) and then all the results, and then interpret it all together to answer your question. OR, you can first fully describe one study, then the next, and so on, before giving your concluding comments.
*do not simply summarize the separate articles, but instead use the literature to develop a coherent story that supports or refutes your hypothesis (i.e. dont say, paper 1 says this, paper 2 says this make it a story with appropriate citations). Make sure all of the literature you cite in the presentation is cited at the end of the presentation, and
that these citations are in proper APA formatting.
-Discussion. How do these results answer or try to answer (inform) your question? What is the bigger picture? What future work should be done (or is being done)?

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