black women history

Book Review on the following book: Cyntoia Brown-Long,
Free Cyntoia: My Search for Redemption in the American Prison System. New York: Atria
Books, 2020

Useful online & video clips on Brown-Long: Optional Viewing / You are not required to
incorporate links into your essay.  (OPTIONAL VIEWING)

Book Review should cover the following points:

1.    Author Biography: Provide a brief professional biography on the author

2.    Book Synopsis

3.    The different ways in which Brown-Long uses her personal testimony / memoir to promote social change and personal empowerment, and to discuss her experience as an incarcerated person (juvenile in prison and teenager), and as a returning citizen.

4.    Your Analysis / Critique: Your thoughts on Brown-Longs life story. Did the memoir enhance or challenge your thinking or pre-conceived notions on incarcerated Black women and girls and returning citizens?

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