
please see attachments.
PowerPoint presentation based around two articles written by a contemporary researcher in the Neuroscience/Biopsychology fields. You will:
1. Select a researcher who conducts research that is of interest to you. Maybe a particular study stood out to you during our lectures, or you came across a researcher on your own. You can also check course lecture slides, textbook, and Blackboard page for articles/lectures given by current researchers.
2. Find that researchers lab/professional webpage. Familiarize yourself with them; where they studied, the kind of work they do, their lab structure, their main research interests, etc.
3. Select and read two peer-reviewed empirical publications that this researcher published in the recent past (anything after the year 2000 is fine). These two publications should connect somehow; in other words, they should be about the same topic.1. A brief biography of the researcher (2 points)
a. Where are they working, what is this persons field/primary research area, what types of questions are they hoping to answer, etc. Include images, maybe something from the lab website.
2. A summary of your 2 articles (10 points for each article, 20 points total)
Be sure to

include the following:
Research question (1pts). What were they interested in discovering? Hypothesis(es) (1pts). What were the authors predictions for the study? Methods (2pt). Clearly describe the procedure of the study. How was it conducted? Participants (rats, humans?) What technology/apparatus was used, etc.
Results (3pts). Include figures/graphs and describe clearly Conclusions/Interpretations/Discussion (3pts). Summarize findings again clearly and describe the contribution of this work. You can include limitations and future directions here, if youd like. Make sure your own opinions are expressed.
3. An ending (3 points)
a. Conclusion that ties it all together (2pts)
b. APA-Style Reference Section (1pt)

maybe tying in addiction with brain cognitive function , or depression, Schizophrenia but up to you.

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