
First paper: (1page)

Watch the video

Questions to Respond To:
Do you believe in sports drinks claims?
How does Gatorade compare with other drinks, Coca-Cola or Orange Juice?
Do you think sports drinks better for you than water when (or after) exercising?

Second paper:(2pages)

Read the article

These reflections do not need to be complex!  Start with a brief summary of the article (brief means a few sentences), include a description of how the article relates to the course weekly topic, and lastly but most importantly your thoughtful reflection on the article (questions to consider, why the particular article appealed to you, a personal connection you might have to the article topic, your predictions of how your family/friends/the general public might react to this article, and/or future directions of any research presented, etc).


A minimum of two pages, 12 point standard font, double-spaced, and in APA format is required. You must cite all resources used in writing your journal

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