Basso vs. Phillipsen

Bassos book Wisdom Sits in Places and Philipsens Teamsterville studies are both about the importance of place and communication. However, the two studies are also very different in terms of what is important about place, how place is related to communication and culture, and what the bigger purpose is for studying place. Use about 800 words to construct a well-written essay covering these four components:

1) Using multiple actual examples from Wisdom Sits in Places, explain what Basso means by the importance of place. In constructing this section, you should begin by explaining what a place-world is and all of the different functions of place-names for the Apache. In this section, you should also describe the communicative ritual of speaking with names how do you do it and what are all the reasons for doing it? Finally end with explaining what wisdom is for the Apache. Note: this section should be much longer than the next section about Teamsterville and include multiple actual examples from the book to make your claims.

2) Using multiple actual examples from the Teamsterville study, explain what Philipsen means by the importance of place. In constructing this section, you should talk about how ALL the different groups/types of people in Teamsterville used and were affected by place in communication.

3) What are all the ways that Bassos notion of place is BOTH different from and similar to Philipsens notion of place?

4) What is the bigger point of these two studies about place? What do these studies tell us about communication and culture? Say something more than just every culture differs in terms of their communication or that communication and culture are related and place is really important. Instead, higher scoring answers will use some of the theories and the different ways to envision the relationship between communication and culture to support your answer.

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