As it pretains to the Terri schivo case

Last Name 1Example Student
Dr. Titus
Introduction to Ethics
10 March 2021
My Death, My Choice: The ethics of dying by physician-assisted suicide

1.  Introduction
a.  Very short overview of PAS
b.  Very short overview of the ethics of PAS
c.  Thesis statement

2.  Body Paragraph 1 Main argument 1 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

3.  Body Paragraph 2 Main argument 1 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

4.  Body Paragraph 3 Main argument 1 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

5.  Body Paragraph 4 Main argument 2 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

6.  Body Paragraph 5 Main argument 2 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

7.  Body Paragraph 5 Main argument 2 Topic sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

8.  Etc.

9.  Counter argument 1 Topic Sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

10. Rebuttal to counter argument

11. Counter argument 2 Topic Sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.

12. Rebuttal to counter argument 2
13. Counter argument 3 Topic Sentence
a.  Sources to support topic
b.  Sources to support topic
c.  Etc.
14. Rebuttal to counter argument 3

15. Etc.

16. Conclusion

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