Article presentation “The Customer-Centered Innovation Map”

Article Presentation Specifications:

The review contains an introduction with the following elements:
1.    Attention-getting sentence (2 pts.)
2.    Name of the article (1 pts.)
3.    Name and background of authors (2 pts.)
4.    Identifies the primary question of the article (7.5pts.)
5.    Identifies the primary thesis of the article (10 pts.)
8.    The presentation contains a summary section with the following elements:
1.    Overall summary of the article including any major themes (5 pts.)
2.    Description of the article layout or format (5 pts.)
9.    The presentation contains an analysis section with the following elements:
1.    A logic map of the argument (7.5pts.)
2.    Summaries of each of the main supporting pieces of evidence (5 pts.)
3.    Analysis of whether or not the author(s) proved the thesis (5 pts.)
10.    The presentation contains a conclusion with the following elements:
1.    Re-summarize the article (5 pts.)
2.    Personal application (5 pts.)

The article “The Customer-Centered Innovation Map” is inside of the attached pdf.

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