article critique

Please read through the article attached below and anwser the questions.

Questions for Reflection

1.    Who is the intended audience for this intervention? Why would this particular audience warrant the need for special intervention?

2.    What stages of change did the intervention directly target?  Did the article state WHY they chose some stages over others? OR did they state why they allowed all stages in the intervention?  OR did the article not mention using the stages of change as a way to classify people?

3.    What processes of change did the intervention use?  Did the article state WHY they chose some processes over others? OR did the article not mention using the processes of change?

4.    Did the article mention that the intervention targeted decisional balance?  If so, how did they do it?  If not, how could they have targeted the construct? 

5.    Did the article mention that the intervention targeted self-efficacy?  If so, how did they do it? If not, how could they have targeted the construct? 

6.    What were the results from the intervention, with regards to people switching stages?  Did they show that people moved from stage to stage as a result of the intervention?

7.    What about behavior change?  Did the article show that as a result of the intervention, any behaviors changed from baseline?

8.    How well do you believe these authors used the theory in the design of the intervention? Rate on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 very poor and 10 excellent) and explain your rating. 

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