
The first paragraph will support that video games are NOT sports and that gamers cannot be classified as athletes.
The 2nd paragraph will address the biggest argument against your opinion.

Assignment details:

Task: Write two persuasive paragraphs that identify a claim and counterclaim.

Woman in red tee shirt and leans with her right hand up

Purpose: Your purpose for writing these two paragraphs will be to try and convince someone who disagrees with you to change their opinion.

Audience: Your audience will be someone who does not have the same view on this issue as you. Remember ethos, pathos, and logos? What do you think will work best for an audience that does not agree with you? A combination of all three will make your writing the strongest.

For your two paragraph argument you will use this format.

Topic sentence: I (do/don’t) believe that video games are sports and that gamers can be classified as athletes.

Concrete detail (fact with citation):

Concrete detail (fact with citation):

Commentary (opinion on facts):

Concluding sentence:

Counterclaim Topic sentence:

Reason for Counterclaim:

Rebuttal (with citation):

Rebuttal (with citation):

Concluding sentence:

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