architecture essay

Works of architecture can be understood and interpreted as historical, cultural, and aesthetic products. They are directly related to the time and place in which they were produced and who designed and built them. For Paper 1, each student will select one work of architecture, covered in the course, to focus on. In the study of this work of architecture, students should carefully investigate the specifics of the architecture itself, as well as historical movements, contemporary styles / trends, creative works (literature, art, dance, etc), client requests and needs, local resources, site specifics, and other factors in efforts to understand how a work of architecture came into being. To understand and interpret these works, students should utilize a range of sources and materials, such as: photographs; written history; interviews; design and construction documents; material sources and selections; and more.


Choose one work of architecture covered in the course, either in lectures or the textbook. Write a 3,000-word paper that studies and interprets the work of architecture as a historical, cultural, and aesthetic product.

The paper should be a holistic interpretation of the work of architecture, investigating a range of internal and external factors. The paper SHOULD NOT be a research report or book report, which is focused on the recounting of facts or is solely describing the work of architecture. This paper SHOULD BE an interpretation of the information students discover about the work of architecture and take a unique position. Analysis and synthesis of research is required to produce a paper that satisfies this assignment.

The paper must include a thesis statement, which states this unique position and guides the organization of the paper. This thesis statement communicates the big idea for the paper to the reader and is backed up by evidence / research. This assignment challenges you to interpret the work of architecture for yourself. What are your ideas about the work of architecture as a historical, cultural, and aesthetic product? Additional guidance about formulating this thesis statement is offered in the Paper 1 Outline assignment.

Additional Guidance for Producing the Paper
Conduct some initial research to identify works you might be interested in. You may select a work from any portion of the course, even if we havent covered it by the time the paper is due. Be sure there are ample resources available to you to produce a paper of this length. Do not overlook sources which may be focused on the architect, time period, etc, rather than the individual work of architecture. A minimum of 6 scholarly sources is required. Remember: This paper requires significant effort and time on your part, so be sure to select a paper topic that interests you and you hope desire to learn more about.

In your research and interpretation, the physical characteristics of the work of architecture are likely to stand out to you, as these are easily seen and assessed in photos and drawings. In addition to the physical, dont overlook the range of intangible factors that guided the creation of the architectural work. For example, the specific preferences of the architect, the financial budget available, and the time period.

Dont overlook the importance of architectural site and context. The architectural site is composed of the physical characteristics and parameters of the land the work of architecture is located on or within. The topography, property boundaries, trees and other flora, and soil types are all characteristics of the site. For example: Does the project nestle or fit within the site, or is it in contrast? How did the location of large trees impact what could be designed and built? How did the architect respond to the steep slope of the land? The architectural context is a much broader concept, including characteristics of the surroundings. The surroundings are both physical and socio/cultural/historical. Examples of the physical surroundings are climate, landscape, rain fall, adjacent buildings, and streets. For example: How does the annual rainfall and temperature impact the design? How does the architecture address the shade from the adjacent building? Examples of socio/cultural/historical surroundings are time period, cultural traditions, and daily life. For example: Can we see the cultural tradition of basket-weaving within the architecture? How did other creative works impact the architect at the time this project was designed and built? Are the construction methods typical for this area of the world?

Consider how the work of architecture has been used over time. If the project had an original client or user, what were the original goals for the projects? How did the design meet their needs? Investigate how the work of architecture might have been used differently over various time periods to address changing needs or preferences. How is the project being used today?

In the writing of the paper, be sure to use a more formal academic style of writing. While youll be communicating your ideas and conclusions, you should not use first person statements using I, me, or my. You should write from a third person point of view.

Resources for Paper Writing
The UF Writing Studio is a free service for current UF graduate and undergraduate students. Students have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a consultant on issues specific to their own particular development. Appointments can be made on their website for virtual consultations ( These consultations are especially helpful to students who may need assistance with developing a thesis, using research to back up the position taken in the thesis, and organizing their thoughts / content within the paper.

Detailed Paper Requirements

Note the detailed requirements outlined below. Points will be deducted for not following the prescribed format, citation style, etc.

– 3,000 (minimum) word count.
– The paper must follow Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
– Use New Times Roman font, 12 point, single-spaced, with all margins set to one inch (1).

Word Count
The paper must be a minimum of 3,000 words. Microsoft Word will be used to confirm the word count. The word count does not include footnotes, captions, and bibliography. The abstract, produced for Paper Outline 1, should be not included as a separate section within the final paper, and therefore does not contribute to the total word count. Sentences from the abstract can be incorporated into the body of paper, and in this case, would contribute to the word count.

Cover Page
Create a cover page that includes:
– Title of Paper
– Students Name
– Course and Section Number, Semester and Year
– Word Count

The paper should include a minimum of 5 images. Select images that enhance or illustrate the ideas you are discussing. Each image should be clearly labeled, have a caption, and the source be clearly cited in the footnotes at the bottom of the page. For example: Figure 1: The north faade clearly features the library entrance and the intricate Art Deco details.32″ The image label (ie. Figure 1) should be referred to in the body of the paper to connect the paper text with the images.

The images should be included on their own pages after the paper text and before the bibliography. Note: The images and their captions do not contribute towards or reduce the word count.

Citations + Citation Style
Use Chicago Style 16th edition for footnotes (embedded at the bottom of each page) and a bibliography (at the conclusion of the paper). The Purdue Owl is a great source for citation information and guidance. For Chicago Style citations, note that the bibliography format is slightly different from the footnote format.

Required Sources (6 minimum)
– A minimum of 6 scholarly sources is required. The course textbook and lectures can be used as sources for the paper, but they do not count toward the minimum number of sources.
– Research for this paper should come from a variety of scholarly sources. Consider: books; journal articles; videos / documentaries; interviews; design and construction documents; and academically recognized web sources.
– Do not use Wikipedia or similar Wiki encyclopedia-like pages. These sources can be edited at any time by users and their information is not verified.

To begin a search for scholarly sources, visit the UF Architecture and Fine Arts Library webpage. E-books, online journals, and other scholarly publications can be accessed through the UF Libraries Catalog and Databases.

File Submittal on Canvas
Submit your paper file in Canvas in a ‘.doc’ or ‘.docx’ format. Your file name should be formatted as follows:  Student Last Name_Student First Name_Work of Architecture. For example, Smith_Jane_Notre Dame.doc.

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