Arabic culture

Arabic culture

Written essay guidelines

Your essay should follow this format

Title (research question/topic agreed with your
Main section with subsections
References (They should follow the Harvard
referencing system. Consult this guide for further

What can I learn about the culture/society of the country/countries where the target
language is spoken from a particular book/film/television series?

What can this exhibition/play/concert teach me about the culture of the country/countries
where the target language is spoken?

How are people and/or society from the country/countries where the target language is
spoken represented in comedy, satire or humour?

An increasing number of television series from the country/countries where the target
language is spoken are now being shown in the UK and other countries (for example

Latin-American soap operas or French police dramas). Choose one of them and explain
why it has been so successful outside its country of origin.

To what extent does a particular influencer and/or celebrity from the country/ countries
where the target language is spoken have an impact on the global stage?

What is the contemporary legacy of a particular historical figure from the country/
countries where the target language is spoken?

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