Any topic (writer’s choice)

Essays need to fully (not selectively) answer the essay questions.

Word count: Total of 1,000 words! Please do not exceed this limit.
Quotations: In-text quotations should be no longer than 12 words.
maximum 250 words (ideally two paragraphs).

QUESTION 1- maximum 250 words (ideally two paragraphs).
Thinking theoretically about social theory, why might a sociological imagination be important,
and what is the problem with conspiracy theories?

See Lesson 19 (C. Wright Mills) on the sociological imagination.
See Lesson 27 on ontology and epistemology.
See Lesson 28 on conspiracy theories.
Consider also reviewing the last section of the Lesson 2 PowerPoint and recording re:
theorizing about theory.
Suggested essay structure/content: Paragraph 1 (approximately 125 words) on social
theory and the sociological imagination and paragraph 2 (approximately 125 words) on
conspiracy theories. However, a connection (or, rather, a contrast) needs to be made
between the two paragraphs (e.g. conspiracy theorizing as a kind of problematic
sociological imagination? And why are conspiracy theories not credible social

QUESTION 2 – maximum 750 words
Essay question
What are the strengths and weaknesses of Ogbus theory of variability in school performance,
and to what extent might his heuristic classification of voluntary and involuntary minority groups
perpetuate stereotypes?
Ogbu, Lesson 21.
Bourdieus forms of capital (Lesson 20) might also be relevant to the discussion.

Example essay plan

Para 1: Introduction
Approximately 150200 words.
Not too many details, but make sure you:

(1) Include a thesis statement take a position in relation to the question (but dont go into

detail yet thats what the subsequent paragraphs are for).

(2) Introduce the essay structure signpost what is ahead (in other words, the introduction

introduces the essay, as well as the topic).
Para 2: Background + development of the discussion

Perhaps 150200 words.

This is where you begin to sketch out the bones the main issues, keywords, concepts.

Para 3: Development of the discussion
Perhaps 150200 words.

Focus on one issue, topic, theme or concept…

Think how it links to what you have discussed in the previous paragraph.

Para 4: Development of the discussion
Perhaps 150200 words.

Focus on one issue, topic, theme or concept…

Think how it links to what you have discussed in the previous paragraph.

Para 5: Development of the discussion
Perhaps 150200 words.

Focus on one issue, topic, theme or concept…

Think how it links to what you have discussed in the previous paragraph.

Para 7: Conclusion
Approximately 150200 words.

Summarize the essays key points and issues; echo the introduction.
Can also refer to implications, unresolved issues, etc. (optional)

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