Any topic (writer’s choice)

One question for this essay to be answered to will be sent to you tomorrow. You will then write a thesis centered essay of 550 words in response to the one question, using excerpts from zadie smith joy and Karen Thompson Walker what fear can teach us to support your writing. Both essays were provided to you.

Develop a thesis then take a clear stance or position.
Organize your thoughts or have an outline that helps.
Use MLA in text citation to support your claims with quotes or paraphrases from BOTH the Thompson walker and the smith readings. (You must use at least one or two cited ideas from each readings).

While you can also use your own observations and experiences to further develop your claims, the Thompson walker and zadie smith readings must be the primary source for development. Discuss how the citations and ideas are relevant to your thesis.

Please follow the instructions and read the essay until I provide the question. Thank you!

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