Any topic (writer’s choice)

Principles of Managerial Accounting
Written Case Assignment 50 points

The purpose of this written case assignment is to sharpen your short essay skills and to provide you with an opportunity to express your views regarding A) the usefulness of self-selected course material and B) the effectiveness of learning strategies employed in our course. So, there are two parts.

Part A: Select three accounting concepts, formulas, reports, methods of evaluation or other course materials that you find especially valuable and useful. For each, clearly describe it, identify how it is used and explain why you selected it.
Part B: Effective learning strategies involve three areas: how students interact with course material via the course management system (Canvas), how students interact with other students and how students interact with the course instructor. For each area, discuss something that worked well or not so well. For example, did the content align with the quizzes and exams, or not? Did doing and reading discussion postings help or not so much? Is there something that you think I could do more of or less of that would be helpful?
Short Essay Format
Short essays are very focused, with each paragraph having a clear goal. Start with an introduction paragraph that captures the readers interest and explain what your essay is about. Then for each part (A and B), you should have three paragraphs that provide specific explanations and information. Then include a final paragraph, a conclusion paragraph, that summarizes the information, evidence or ideas that you have presented and/or want to highlight. So, you will have 8 paragraphs: introduction, 3 paragraphs for part A, 3 paragraphs for part B and conclusion.

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