Any topic (writer’s choice)

Suppose we have the past 60 monthly returns for a stock. A monthly return is represented as a percentage.  A 10% monthly return means that if at the beginning of the month its price is 100 and at the end of the month its price is 110, we say its monthly return is 10%.

The question is: what is the probability of seeing this stock’s annual return for the next 12 months greater than 10%? How do we solve this problem? The problem obviously includes “forecast” and “probability”. Please provide your ideas.

The data file is here (i attached it)


1. You are expected to post your ideas, analysis, or model, and also provide responses/comments or corrections to other participant’s threads. Create a thread and title your thread appropriately. You may provide screenshots or screen record screen video to support your points.   

2. The post should be organized in a way that helps readers understand. Your postings should demonstrate knowledge and reflection on the subject matter.

3. Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics if you choose to type.

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