Any topic (writer’s choice)

Literary Analysis Essay
Literary Analysis essay should demonstrate an understanding and application of the Concepts of Poetry or Elements of Fiction (as applicable to the topic you choose) in relation to the meaning of the work(s). When analyzing a work of literature, always ask the question WHY. Why did the author do what s/he did? Why are the characters described the way they are? Why is the story set when and where it is? Why are the images in the story important? Why is the story told from this or that point of view? Why, Why, Why! These questions will help you to explore the authors purpose and intent, which will begin your journey into discovering THEME and MEANING
Do not merely summarize the plot or details of the work.
Argument should express and support an original, analytical thesis.
Your essay must support your interpretation with quoted passages from the literary texts.
Your essay should also include quotes from Literary Criticism article(s) which have been provided.
The essay should be a minimum of 4 pages (it can be longer).
Essay must follow the MLA format when quoting and citing in-text and works cited.
You are required to quote from the story, at least twice per body paragraph. After each quote, be sure to discuss the significance of the quote (explain how it supports the theme).
Quote at least two times within the paper from Literary Criticism articles provided.
Option 1: Read Susan Glaspells “Jury of Her Peers.” In a well-organized essay analyze an aspect of the work (see prompts below).
Psychological Analysis of one of the women characters (Mrs. Hale or Mrs. Peters) Explain what motivates her to act as she does.
Explore the theme of Isolation/Need for Human Companionship in the story.
Make a case for or against punishing Minnie Wright for her crime.
Argue how the setting of the story explains why the events of the story occurred.
Argue how societal expectations related to gender influenced the events of the story
Option 2:
For this essay, you will compare 2 (or 3 if you choose) of the poems we have read in class.
Alberto Alvaro Rios Nani
Mother to Son Langston Hughes
Those Winter Sundays Robert Hayden
“Advice to My Son” – Peter Meinke
In your essay, analyze one of the following themes: racial experience, parents/children. Make sure your thesis is specific and original.
Discuss the influence of poverty and struggle on the family dynamic
Examine the idea of communication/understanding (or lack of) between parents and children
Examine the role of work in teaching children values
Additional options: you may identify another specific theme but should clear topic with instructor

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