Any topic (writer’s choice)

First, read the directions here before engaging in the discussion. Note that you must make a comment before you can read others’ responses. The first deadline is to submit your comment by Wednesday of Week 3. Afterward, you need to start engaging with at least two other students by Thursday and then continue that discussion until Sunday.

Week 3 Topic: McKinsey & Company

You need to post a comment by Wednesday before you can see the comments of others in your group.

Read  “In Scandal’s Wake, McKinsey Seeks Culture Shift” ( by Anita Raghavan in The New York Times (January 11, 2014).

Start by (1) summarizing — very briefly — the key issues in this article. And (2) Based on your understanding of some of the key principles/practices covered in class in and in Beyond the Babble and Groundswell, comment on Mr. Barton’s actions to address the key problem he believes McKinsey & Company was facing throughout the worldwide McKinsey & Company organization.

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