Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt:  The poem Richard Cory can be reflective of different literary movements.  Write an essay that claims and supports Richard Cory as being either from the Romanticism, Transcendentalism, or Realism movement.  Your essay should address at least three different traits, include and analyze evidence for each trait, and follow Standard American English rules. .

Essay requirements:

Answer the above prompt (do NOT just give a summary)

Quote AND explain evidence to connect it to the trait you are using (use notes to identify traits)

Write five paragraphs (intro, 3 body, conclusion)

Use MLA Format and Standard American English

Avoid first person (I think, I feel, I wonder = NOPE)

Do not submit with unresolved edit lines (red or blue)

Be original– if any portion of your paper is found to be plagiarized, you will receive a zero

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