Any topic (writer’s choice)

answer all short answer questions according to this class, you may use some online sources but please use the books first as references.. here are the books:

Leaderless Jihad (Sageman)
The Psychology of Terrorism (Horgan)

1.What is meant by, terrorism is just war by other means?

2 Terrorism has only one goal. What is it?

3 What are the three actors of terrorism?

4 Terrorists seek to elicit a _________ arousal.

5. What differentiates terrorism from other types of crimes involving murder and violence?

6. What does Horgan mean when he writes, the monopoly over the use of violence?

7. What is suggested as the peacetime equivalent of war crimes?

8. From a terrorist perspective, provide an example for eachends, ways, and means.

9. What is meant by explanatory fiction?

10. Is there one psychological profile for a terrorist?

11. Using a terrorist organization, provide an example of the duality of terrorism.

12. What is the frustration-aggression hypothesis as it relates to terrorism?

13. What is the narcissism and narcissism-aggression hypothesis as it relates to terrorism?

14. Which category or type of terrorist present the highest percentage of mental disorders?

15. What character traits do terrorist recruiters and leaders seek when search for new members?

16. What is the definition of a psychopath?

17. What is the fundamental attribution error as applied to terrorism?

18. List the three distinct phases leading to terrorism involvement.

19. What is a triggering factor?

20. Kleinmann suggests there are three interelated level by which one can become involved in terrorism…what are they?

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