Any topic (writer’s choice)

You may introduce concrete historical examples to substantiate your answers.
Essay Question: Elizabeth Eisenstein challenged standard histories of the Renaissance by highlighting the impact of the printing press as an agent of change. Compose an essay conveying your best understanding of Eisensteins argument as it relates to printing. In your explanation, draw on at least three of her key concepts. Options include typographical fixity, the preservative powers of print, standardization, individualization, dissemination, combinatory intellectual activity (cross-referencing/cross-fertilization/cross-cultural interchange), vernacularization, rationalization/reorganization, and publicity (art of puffery/cult of personality). Why was printing so consequential, according to Eisenstein?
Then, briefly consider how one of Eisensteins concepts applies to a different media technology of your choice. You can consider a media technology we have reviewed thus far in class or you may apply her argument to a more recent media technology.
You may draw on other information you learned in lecture and other readings to substantiate your argument.

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