Any topic (writer’s choice)

A final assignment is due by midnight after Graduate Mini-1 Exam Days (by October 23, Friday, 11:59 pm). The essay consists of the analysis of a case study, making use of the tools and materials discussed in class. The paper should not exceed 1,500 words. The exercise will be open-book and open-note. You will submit your essays via CANVAS. [Writing: 5; Theoretical Accuracy: 5; Logical reasoning: 5; Engagement with possible objections to your argument: 5] Late assignments will be penalized by negative 5 points for each calendar day they are late unless otherwise noted. No exceptions.
Final Essay Case: David Bolllier, Stephanie Weiss, and Kirk O. Hansen, Merck & Co., Inc. (A)Preview the document 9-991-021, The Business Enterprise Trust. (The case from Class 11).
Instruction 1:You are CEO in the case. Everything is the same as described in the case, but the year. It is 2020. Would you develop the medicine, Ivermctine, for the third world? Yes or No. Choose one and defend it.
Instruction 2: You are going to write a letter to investors (e.g., BlackRock, etc.) to explain your choice.  So the writing must be accessible to them.  If you want to use for instance the generalization principle, you must explain it in an intelligible manner to them. Just saying that” x, y, z, so it does not pass the test,” is not itself persuasive to them. You should explain why the test is ethically important to them. The same challenge applies to all other tests, too, if you opt to use any of them.
Instruction 3: The letter must finish with a general statement about “What is business for?”

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