Any topic (writer’s choice)

Description:  For your final essay, I would like you to think about a problem that impacts you on a daily basis. This could be an issue that you encounter through your job, on Broward Colleges campus, or in your individual community. For instance, you might focus on employers who monitor their employees social media accounts, a minimum wage that doesnt not cover current costs of living, restrictive college textbook costs, a lack of local leash laws in your city, etc. Then, you must argue for a particular change that you would like to occur in order to resolve this problem. Use a combination of both outside sources and your own observations and experiences to develop specific evidence for your argument. Note: Before choosing your topic, consult the list located on the second page of this assignment sheet, which contains ten overused persuasive essay topics that I strongly urge you to avoid.
Requirements:  You should submit a 1000 word essay, typed and double-spaced.  Use Times New Roman font in 12-pt size.  Format your paper according to MLA guidelines.

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