Anxiety and Depression: A Case Study

to prepare for this discussion read Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 in your required textbook and view the videos Depression and Its Treatments (Links to an external site.) and OCD: One Patients Story (Links to an external site.).

To successfully complete this

Society of Clinical Psychology.png

Access the Society of Clinical Psychology: Division 12 of APA website that features case studies: Case Studies Search (Links to an external site.).
As you scroll down on this page, note the area where you can choose the specific topic(s) you wish to access in the images below:
Symptoms Checklist.pngDiagnoses Checklist.png

Choose one of the cases available from one of the following areas: depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety. (You may use either the symptoms or diagnosis selection areas.)
After you have chosen your criteria, differing options may be available. Choose the one you find most thought-provoking or applicable to your interests.
Example results:

Results List.png

Read the case study details and refer to your textbook, and the DSM-5, as needed to support your understanding.
Case Study Detail Example.png

In your initial post,

Start by identifying the symptom or diagnosis you searched and the name of the case study you chose.
[(e.g., Mike [Social Anxiety])
Next describe the patients symptoms and the available demographic and historical data.
If new terminology is introduced (i.e., agoraphobia), be sure to explain to your peers what this entails.
Analyze the differences between the diagnosis of the person identified in your case study and a similar illness/diagnosis?
Access the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) and search it to support your suggestions. (Be sure to cite.)
If the link above does not provide access, read instructions on How to Access the DSM-5  downloadthrough the Library.
For additional support citing this resource, review the video The DSM-5. (Links to an external site.)
Evaluate how the intensity, duration, and focus support the identified diagnosis. (Support with citations outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Centers APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.))
Discuss the available treatments for your case study.
Discuss the implications of a therapist who actively encourages a patient to take medication that has been shown to be effective when the patient has strong objections to the use of a pharmacological approach to treatment.
Finally, develop at least three recommendations for the patient/family for ongoing functioning (social, occupational, and academic, if applicable), associated with your chosen case study.

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