Answer questions

Answer these questions in 2-3 sentences. Thank you.

1. Imagine Bank A has a pool of mortgage assets that it wishes to remove from its balance sheet via securitization.  Bank A creates a SPV called “Bank A MPT 2017.02” and sells the assets to this SPV, who then issues securities to investors. Assume 1 year later, Bank A faces financial problems and files for bankruptcy.Do Bank A’s creditors have a claim on the assets of “Bank A MPT 2017.02”? Why or why not?

2.What are the major sources of funds for banks? Provide a breakdown of all the major sources of funds at a bank and briefly describe the different types of deposits/nondeposit sources.

3.What is the difference between net charge-offs (NCOs, sometimes called write-offs) and the provision for loan loss (PLL)? What is the purpose of the PLL account?

4 Briefly describe the differences between a pass-through security and a CDO/CMO. Imagine an investor purchased a relatively risky tranche (“slice”) of a CDO/CMO. Describe how participating in the CDS market for that security could change the investors potential risks and payoffs.

The PDF I upload if for the 4th question if you needed. Thank you.

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