african history

Young, Africa Must Unite.

Video: Faces of Africa- Kwame Nkrumah

You will submit at least a 300-word initial discussion essay by April 14 that analyzes the readings assigned and the video. Each essay should describe the subject, aim, and scope of both the reading and the video. You should briefly identify and discuss the main arguments, strengths, and weaknesses of both the reading and the video. Essays must contain historical details: facts, names, dates, etc. Please remember that unless your response papers clearly and consistently provide evidence of engagement with the readings, your grade will be lowered accordingly. After composing and posting your essay, you will then post a response essay on or before April 17, where you comment on the essays of two of your classmates. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the postings of your classmates. Both initial discussion essays and response essays will be graded based on the clarity of your prose, the strength of your arguments, your use of class text(s), and your demonstrated understanding of that weeks material. See the course schedule for specific dates and times to post these weekly essays.  Keep in mind that all late postings will not be accepted and will receive an automatic grade of F

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