My professor has asked us to write about a career choice we have chosen. I’d like to work in a Government office, such as a City, County, or Police Station doing Administrative work.


Research the position in the criminal justice field (or any professional field) you would like to eventually hold or are interested in. Find a professional who is or was in that profession. Then interview that professional and utilize that interview as a source for the information you provide in your paper. Then write a 5 page paper on the career you want to go into. When writing your paper touch the following topics/answer the following questions.

1-How much education do you need to be competitive in your chosen field? How hard is the job to get? What is the hiring process? What can you start doing now (other than obtaining your education) to prepare yourself for the position? What degree are you pursuing at MSJC and what is your ultimate academic goal? How will you incorporate your education into your chosen profession if you get the position?

2- What are some of the everyday pros and cons of the job? (utilize your research and interview to present your point) What is the day-to-day like for a person doing that job? What are some of the biggest challenges both professionally and personally you will have to face if you choose that career? What are some things you definitely need to know before you choose to go into that field of work?

3-What is the salary of that position? What are the benefits that position offers? (i.e. medical, dental, retirement) What are the working conditions like and how difficult is it to get hired in the first place?

4-How do you plan to get the position, tell me your plan. Is it realistic? What is your timeline? Are you doing anything now to prepare yourself for that position other than college? Do you have a plan B in case you are unable to get that job? What is your alternative.

Have fun with this paper. The goal is for you to do some career searching and hopefully help focus your vision on what you are doing in college and where you want to go. If you do not plan on going into the Criminal Justice field, no worries. Write about whichever profession you want to go into. If you are having trouble finding a professional to interview, get with me and i will help you find somebody that does what you want to do. Including an interview is 30 points of your total points for this paper.

An excellent paper will be first and foremost be written in a clear and concise manner. Free from spelling and grammar errors and in a way which the information flows in the most articulate way for the reader. Your paper must be 5 pages long, this can include the references/work cited page or this can be your 6th page. You will not be penalized for going over one or two pages but you better not be rambling or being redundant (repeating information you already provided earlier in your paper)

Your paper should be turned in in either Calibri or Times New Roman 12 point font and double spaced. Type “AJ-101 Summer 2020” in the left corner header and your last name, first on the right top corner header. Type the page number in the right bottom footer section. (See example in the announcements page) Do not include and abstract, or any other information or you will loose points.

Your paper should have at least five works cited or references and at least two of these should come from peer reviewed journals, scholarly articles and or published works. (this means a google search most likely didn’t lead you to these works. Do not cite non-academic websites, wikipedia, youtube or any other website not affiliated with a serious legal or academic institution.

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