Historiography AssignmentInstructions: You should, by now, have read and discussed many different approaches to researching and writing the history of the era of the American Revolution. Your task is to write an essay in which you compare at le

Historiography AssignmentInstructions: You should, by now, have read and discussed many different approaches to researching and writing the history of the era of the American Revolution. Your task  is  to  write  an  essay  in  which  you  compare  at  least  three  of  these approaches, explaining in detail the differences and similarities between these approaches. Your essay should be between 1200 and 1500 words. You  should  address  the  sources  historians  use,  the  analytical  approaches used, and the context (both contemporary and historiographical) of the period in which the author was writing.The  question  that  sums  all  of  this  up,  and  which  should  be  the  title  of  your paper,  is  this:  How  and  why  have  historians  differed  when  researching  and writing the history of the American Revolution?Detailed Instructions:1) The assignment is due by midnight, Thursday April 29th. 2) All papers should conform to the Turabian style guide, including appropriate referencing practices3) All papers should have a word count after their conclusion

Three historians to compare and contrast Alfred Young, Jordan Taylor and Charles Beard

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