Euthanasia can save the lives of other patients.

This is an English composition class.
My thesis is “Is it desirable to legalize euthanasia?”

And my Second main idea is “Euthanasia can save the lives of other patients.”
You should write about my main idea. There are three arguments that support the main point.

1. Euthanasia allows many patients to receive an organ donation.
2. Euthanasia can prevent waste of manpower, hospital rooms, and use of medical devices.
3. Euthanasia is a good deed in a utilitarian view. (Utilitarianism would say that an action is right if it results in the happiness of the greatest number of people in a society or a group).

If the amount of writing is too short, you can make a new supporting argument.

You do not need to write the introduction. I already wrote it. You should write only about the first main idea.

I have attached some academic articles that you need to write. You can find other academic articles, but at least quote all the academic articles I have attached. Also, please don’t use paid academic articles. If you’ve cited at least five academic articles, you can use other online articles.

And I attached the writing sample. Please read it before you write.

In the Research Paper Assignment&First Draft file ( I attached it)
Supertopic sentence is “Euthanasia can save the lives of other patients.”
Topic sentences A and B are two arguments that support the supertopic sentence.

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