Motivation and Culture Job Aids

1. Post an analysis of a job in your organization.
    Remember to use a fictional name for the organization.
    You may use the job aid from Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger’s Fundamentals of    Performance Improvement text (linked in the Resources).
    Read pages 281298 in Van Tiem, Moseley, and Dessinger’s text, Fundamentals of Performance Improvement.

2.  Complete Performance Support Tool 12.1: Job Analysis Survey.

        Determine what capacities are required to do the job you analyzed.
        Attach the support tool to your posts to this discussion.
        Post a summary of the results that you obtained by completing the job analysis survey.

    Post the completed Job Analysis Survey along with your comments. Based on these results:
        What are the implications for your organization?
        What did you learn from completing these job aids?
        How easy or difficult was it to complete these job aids?

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