
Write an essay in which you discuss the relationship between Nazi foreign policy and the outbreak of the Second World War by reflecting on the breakdown of collective security, the policy of appeasement, and role of the territorial and racial goals of the Nazi regime. In what way were the Nazi anti-Semitic policies and the course of the war related? Why did Germany lose the war? Explain and illustrate. You will need to include material relating to context, concepts, and background, and use terms and explanations that illustrate key points, and draw conclusions. Useful Terms: National Self-Determination, Maginot Line, Anschluss, Sudetenland, Munich Pact, Neville Chamberlain, Hitler, Lebensraum, Nazi-Soviet Pact, Blitzkrieg, appeasement, Operation Barbarossa, Madagascar, Wannsee Conference, Collective Security. Stresa Front, Locarno Treaties, Versailles Treaty, Inskip Report.

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