
    Develop fully. The paper must be a minimum of 1,200 words, not counting the Works Cited page.
    Cite in the text at least one primary source (one literary work) and one scholarly article (secondary source) that offers reliable, relevant information on that literary work.
    Have a clear thesis statement, which should be underlined.
    Should display critical thinking through analysis, or interpretation, of the text. Do not write a lengthy plot summary or book report.
    Quote at least once directly from the literary text in the paper.
    Accurately discuss the text as well as its historical and cultural context, which is used to help interpret the work.
    Display a clear organizational plan, which includes a title, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Body paragraphs should have clear topic sentences and transitions for clear flow.
    Use MLA format and include proper in-text citations and a Works Cited page with entries for all sources both primary (the literary work) and secondary (research).
    Proofread carefully for errors in grammar, punctuation, standard usage, and clarity. Follow the conventions of Edited Academic English.
    Display clarity in sentence construction and word choice, and avoid unnecessary wordiness or inconsistencies that may disrupt clarity. The overall tone should be formal and professional and follow all of the conventions of academic writing.
    Use literary present tense in discussing and describing the text.

The paper I would like to write about is the play, Othello

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