Health Psychology: Stress & Coping

Jamiel missed his bus, had to walk to work, and was 30 minutes late. Feeling rushed for his first presentation to the new boss, he went to the computer to print out his notes so he could compose himself. The filewas corrupt and would not open. He turned to get the computer manual from the desk, spilling coffee all over his desk and suit. Jamiels heart was racing, he had a terrible headache, and was conscious of only one feeling stress.                            Prepare: This week, you will select a case study you want to examine throughout the course. Each case study presents a topic and area of applied psychology. These topics will be used to study specific areas of psychology and will provide you with an opportunity to examine the uses of applied behavioral science. For example, if you select Case Study #1, you will explore the topic of severe depression from the clinical psychology perspective. If you select Case Study #5, you will explore motivation from the industrial organizational psychology perspective. For each case, you will also indicate why this topic and area of psychology are of interest to you. See the ABS200 Case Study List  download to review the case studies and make your choice.

Reflect: The paper should clearly identify your case study selection, explain why you have decided to focus on this particular topic and area of psychology for your Final Paper, and explain the importance of the topic. Begin your paper with a well-written introduction that includes a succinct thesis statement, and end your paper with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. For assistance with creating a thesis statement, utilize the Thesis Generator (Links to an external site.) tool on the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center website. Your introductory paragraph must include a description of the basic characteristics of science and a definition of applied behavioral science. Your conclusion must include a preliminary examination of the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of utilizing at least one applied behavioral science intervention method to address the concerns in the scenario you selected.        Write: In a well-developed ten to twelve-page paper address the following criteria for the case study you selected in Week 3. See the ABS200 Case Study List located in your online classroom to review the case studies.

    The paper must begin with a well-written introduction that includes a succinct thesis statement. For assistance with creating a thesis statement, utilize the Thesis Generator tool on the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center website.
Your introductory paragraph must include a description of the basic characteristics of science and a definition of applied behavioral science and the area of psychology from which the case study is explored.
    Identify and describe the potential source(s) and/or cause(s) of the issue that is/are relevant to the selected case study (e.g., genetic, environmental, social, cultural, organizational).
Examine the case study by applying one psychological theory of your choice pertinent to applied behavioral science.
    Describe scientific research that is relevant to your selected case study. Include past and current findings and note any key changes.
    Identify and describe any relevant trends in working with your intended population.
Detail a suggested plan of action, including advantages and disadvantages, for moving forward.
Specify what you would do to build rapport with the clients in the selected case study.
State ethical considerations that are relevant to this case.
    You must end your paper with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis and include an examination of the pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages) of utilizing at least one applied behavioral science intervention method to address the concerns in the scenario you selected.
The Applied Psychology: From Theory to Practice Final Paper
    Must be ten to twelve double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. View the Critical Thinking Community website for further assistance.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis and summarizes supporting evidence.
Must use at least six peer-reviewed journal articles as sources, including a minimum of four from the University of Arizona Global Campus Library.
    The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style 7th Edition as outlined in

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