Any topic (writer’s choice)

Can you add on  this to my study case
My study case is about a girl named Helga Fk
Create Bronfenbrenners Ecological Model for this person, including information in each ring.
What are three of the Microsystems at work in this persons life?
How did the Microsystems interact with each other (Mesosystem)?
What impact has the Exosystem had on the persons life and how have those things in the Exosystem affected their Microsystems?
What role does the Macrosystem play in the persons development?
Discuss Erickson’s psychosocial model of development. What level of Ericksons Psychosocial Model has the person achieved? How do you know?
Discuss the four parenting styles. What was the parenting style of the individuals parents/guardians?
Discuss attachment theory and the types of attachment. What quality of attachment does the person demonstrate? Provide examples. What role did the parent/guardian play in the subject developing this type of attachment?
Discuss the fixed and growth mindsets Does the person have a fixed or growth mindset? Provide examples.

Discuss how your subject’s physical development impacted their cognitive development.
Discuss how your subjects physical development impacted their development of a sense of self.
Discuss how your subjects cognitive development affected their physical development.
Discuss how your subjects cognitive development affected their development of a sense of self.
Discuss the impact of self-esteem, self-concept, and self-regulation on your subject’s physical development.
Discuss the impact of self-esteem, self-concept, and self-regulation on your subject’s cognitive development.
Discuss the impact of parenting, attachment, culture, and peers on your subject’s physical development.
Discuss the impact of parenting, attachment, culture, and peers on your subject’s cognitive development.
Discuss the impact of parenting, attachment, culture, and peers on your subject’s development of a sense of identity.
Which seems to have had a greater impact on your subject’s development of a sense of identity environment or biology (nature versus nurture)? Provide at least three examples.
How would you apply your knowledge of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development in your professional and/or personal future? (Why is this important information for you?

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