Human Growth and Development and the Theorist behind them

In Chapter 1 you start learning about Human Growth and Development and the Theorist behind them. There are many things discussed that are important that you will use during this class located in this chapter. For this assignment, select one theorist and their theory and explain how this theory will benefit you and your career. How will knowing this information allow you to do your job at a higher level? How can you take the information you have gained and apply that to your personal life?

Sigmud Freud – Theory of Psychosexual Development
Erik Erikson – Theory of Psychosocial Development
John B. Watson – American Behaviorism
B. F. Skinner – Behaviorism
Albert Bandura – Social Cognitive Theory
Jean Piaget – Cognitive Development Theory
Lev Semenovich Vygotsky – Sociocultural Theory

Follow APA Format
Use in-text citations
Cite at least 2 references, in addition to your textbook, on a Reference Page
Assignment post length should be a minimum of 500 words

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