Role of SocialMedia in global marketing

Keys to a Strong/Favorable Research Report Assessment:-Be strongly guided by the research report grading rubric used to grade your research report.-Must be an in-depth thorough analysis that also applies assigned course material appropriately and well.-Write clearly and efficiently. Quality of written communication, in-depth and thoughtful analysis and evident use of assigned course materials are required. -Cite at least 5 different references(not including the textbook) from a variety of high-quality sources of international business news. Examples include high-quality international
5business news sources such as Financial Times,The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, McKinsey Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, and the like.Also, (other than Harvard Business Review), do not use any academic journals (journals that publish articles by professors like me) as they do not publish recently conducted research due to their purpose and the journals review process. Also, do not use articles that are published as part of any kind of a conference as they typically lack rigor since they are usually in the early stages of development. Be sure that every source you use has an actual/true publication date not older than January 1, 2016 (note that “accessed” dates are not actual/true publication dates). Use original sources, not encyclopedia-type sources (especially Wikipedia), which are not original works. This reports purpose is for you to learn in-depth about a narrowly focused topic squarely focused on international marketing.

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